Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl)


Origin: Mexico
Length: Up to 30 cm
Age: Up to 25 years
The axolotl comes from the family of the Axolotl relatives. The axolotl is a mole salamander and neotenic, that is, the adults can retain features of the larval stage. This is clearly visible in axolotls, as they still have three pairs of external, fringe-like gills. Axolotls have a dark gray to black back and a light gray belly. They also come in other color variations such as gold, all black, spotted, or albino. Axolotls have skin and lung respiration in addition to gill respiration. The axolotl therefore regularly gulps air on the surface of the water. The special thing about these animals is that bitten gills or limbs are renewed within a few weeks thanks to their great regeneration capacity.


Experience: Beginners (learn more about setting up and maintaining a vivarium / aquarium)
Food: Earthworms, mosquito larvae, small fish, aquatic insects, crickets and occasional bits of raw or lean beef (food does not need to be fed alive)
Feeding: Daily
Change water: Part weekly


The axolotl naturally eats foods that are much more varied and nutrient rich than what they are fed in captivity. So it is important to add vitamins and minerals to the axolotl's diet. You can administer this by powdering your food animals. Vitamins that must be added are: vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D3, vitamin E and vitamin H. Vitamin A can be added by powdering food animals. The same applies to vitamin B, vitamin D3, vitamin E and vitamin H. However, vitamin D3 can also be given by placing an ultraviolet lamp.
Providing the correct nutrition for your axolotl is essential. The axolotl has an internal skeleton and calcium (lime) and phosphorus are needed for its construction. The food given to the axolotl should contain 1.5 times as much calcium as phosphorus. A calcium deficiency in the food can cause rickets. This may result in the animal developing spongy, misshapen and weak bones and / or poor eggs or poor egg hatching (deformed or dead larvae).
In addition to the administration of calcium and phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium are also required to a reasonable extent. Copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, manganese and iron are needed to a lesser extent, but the complete lack of these minerals can have serious consequences.

It is very important that the water in your vivarium / aquarium is of good quality as the axolotl will spend its entire life in the water. The water temperature must always be between 10C and 20C, whereby the water temperature during the winter rest (a period of about 8 to 12 weeks) must be at least 5C. During this period, lighting should be used when it is also light during the day. The pH value of the water should be between 6.5 and 8. The ideal water hardness is between 8 and 12 DH. If

To keep the water in the vivarium / aquarium as clean as possible, it is best to change part of the water every week and install a water pump that filters the water. Make sure that this water pump causes as little flow as possible. If your axolotl leaves a lot of food residue, you must also remove it from the enclosure after the time.

Because of their fragile skin, touch the axolotl as little as possible. If you want to try to catch the axolotl, it is best to do this with a small net.

Minimum enclosure size for 1 axolotl: 90 x 60 x 40
Day temperature vivarium / aquarium: 20C
Night temperature vivarium / aquarium: Minimum 10C. Water temperature: 16-18C
Ground cover: Pebbles

The furnishing of the axolotl residence is in principle quite easy, but can be done as extensively as you want. As a bedding for your vivarium / aquarium, it is best to go for pebbles with a diameter of at least two centimeters, as axolotls can still swallow fine gravel or sand and cause blockages in the digestive tract.
Aquatic plants must also be placed in the enclosure (partly to promote the oxygen content in the water and to provide some shelter for the axolotl. Besides water plants that can also serve as shelter, it is important to create one or more hiding places in the enclosure. Examples of suitable hiding places are, for example: side-lying flower pots, hollow tree trunks

Lifestyle: Usually active at night

Axolotls are basically solitary animals, which means that they can live on their own and do not have to be housed with other dogs. Once an axolotl has gotten used to people, it can bite your finger while feeding. By the way, an axolotl doesn't have enough force in its jaw to hurt you.

Points of attention
Never keep your axolotl together in a vivarium / aquarium with fish.

Costs and Purchase
Legislation: The axolotl falls under CITES II, to own the axolotl you need CITES or transfer papers. You should get this with the purchase.
One-time costs: This includes the costs for the vivarium / aquarium, aquarium lighting, shelters and decoration. All together this can cost a few hundred euros. The final amount depends on the quality and size of the products.
Fixed costs: Fixed costs include the costs for the feed, which is several tens of euros per year.
Unexpected costs: Costs have been incurred when your axolotl accidentally falls ill or your equipment breaks down.